Technical Support

Today’s Challenge

The traditional approach to infrastructure was designed to solve the problems we had decades ago. Rivers in the United States don’t catch fire anymore. But today, this approach can lead to infrastructure investments that are single purpose, expensive, inequitable (in benefits & harms), strained, vulnerable to shocks, and carbon-intensive. And the regulatory, financial, institutional, and cultural systems that support infrastructure development are set up for this traditional approach, making it difficult for communities to try something new.

How We Can Help

For infrastructure that benefits the environment, human health, and community development, we need to make sure the right choice is the easy choice. We help communities who want to do innovative work – providing the information, support, and smooth policy and funding pathways they need.

Our InfrastructureNext team members help solve problems at the nexus of science, policy, and people. Our experience makes us uniquely positioned to help communities find innovative solutions for infrastructure. Here’s what we can do to transform and support a region of infrastructure innovators:

  • Facilitate a community-led visioning process

  • Develop innovative, locally-tailored solutions that deliver bigger, broader community benefits through the Value Planning process

  • Help resolve the unique policy and funding challenges that innovative solutions often face

  • Design, support, and grow cross-sector collaborative tables

Want to see our work in action? Explore our case studies here.