A Novel Approach to Infrastructure

Discover the Model

The Model

InfrastructureNext informs the traditional infrastructure planning process.

In a regular, robust infrastructure planning process, most cycles have -

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  1. pre-design and planning

  2. design and engineering

  3. build and implementation

The typical approach often leads to single-purpose solutions that address the immediate infrastructure need.

We inform the typical process by supporting sustained community engagement throughout the planning process, engaging the community in early visioning, facilitating the value planning process to get the most value from investment, and helping communities get their projects over the finish line with special implementation strategies. The InfrastructureNext approach considers a wider range of possible solutions that address the immediate infrastructure need while finding opportunities to invest in other benefits for the environment, community health, and the local economy.

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Learn the Model

We offer a training series to learn the InfrastructureNext approach. In this two-day interactive program, you will learn the InfrastructureNext approach and apply innovative techniques to deliver infrastructure solutions that benefit the local economy, community health, and environmental assets.

Who is this training for?

Our core audience is practitioners of infrastructure technical assistance and all those interested in achieving the greatest value - environmental, economic, or community health - from infrastructure projects. This includes “connectors” who can spot opportunities for the InfrastructureNext approach to add value to local infrastructure projects. These workshops are focused on providers in the Pacific Northwest and Great Lakes regions, but anyone can attend regardless of their geographic location.


Day 2: Breaking Down Value Planning, Special Implementation Strategies

On Day 2, you will take a deeper dive into Value Planning and learn how to use it to help communities unlock innovative solutions to major infrastructure challenges that deliver multiple economic, social, and environmental benefits. We will finish the day with strategies for helping communities get their InfrastructureNext projects over the finish line.

Day 1: Community Engagement & Visioning, Introduction to Value Planning 

During Day 1, you will get an overview of the InfrastructureNext approach, when to use it, and how to set up an InfrastructureNext engagement for success. We discuss good community engagement and early visioning as the backbone for the entire process that can lead to better outcomes. Finally, we introduce you to the Value Planning process to find creative solutions based on community values.

If you would like to schedule a workshop, please contact us.